Following up on yesterday’s starter run, I did the full base loop today. Hit the top of the hill at 18:56 and finished in a shocking 35:28! The last time I did the loop before I got sick was the week before on March 13, when I ran a 32:45. So today’s run really makes…
Read MoreMy first real run since being sick! I ran the short loop, the one the boys and I walk in the late afternoon to signal the end of their school day. 24:31. It felt good to be back on the road.
Read MoreGreat weather today so I was able to run outside after work. I did my short loop in 32:45, with a 17:01 split at the top of the hill. I have to look back at the numbers from the fall to see where I stand compared to those runs.
Read MoreSlow start this morning; I was up past midnight working. So waved off the usual 4:30 wakeup and went with my later time. Then, even after the boys were off, I was exhausted and slow-moving. But I made it here and onto the treadmill. Slow going because I still felt a little sick; and then…
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